
Savske elektrarne Ljubljana

Production of electrical energy in hydroelectric power plants.

About the Company

in clean energy

We are experts in the production of electrical energy. We provide operation, maintenance, and construction of hydroelectric power plants and additionally invest in solar power plants. Our goal is to provide clean and sustainable energy for all.

Company Profile Production Facilities
Energija hidroelektrarn - vodna energija

Hydroelectric Power Plants

Hydroelectric power plants on the Sava River harness the flow of water to produce electrical energy. Our hydropower plants’ chain comprises of not only large but also small hydroelectric power plants that generate electrical energy using a single unit.

Hydroelectric Power Plants
Sončna energija

Solar Power Plants

In addition to our hydroelectric power plants, we have also ventured into solar power plants as an innovative way of obtaining clean electrical energy. We convert solar energy into electricity using state-of-the-art solar panels.

Solar Power Plants
Vetrna energija

Wind Power Plants

MVE Medvode represents a pilot installation of the first small wind power plant in Savske elektrarne Ljubljana, in line with the company’s commitment to obtaining electrical energy from renewable sources.

Wind Power Plant

Our inspiration is water, sun and wind

electricity generation

The modern approach to the construction of hydroelectric power plants today includes project solutions and methods that minimize environmental impact as much as possible. In our activities, we adhere to the principles of sustainable development, seeking a balance between humans and nature.

Environmental and Social Responsibility

The 4th largest producer of electricity among hydroelectric producers in Slovenia

Savske elektrarne Ljubljana utilizes the energy of the water in the Sava River, our longest river. With four large and several small power plants located in the area from Gorenjska to Posavje, SEL produces electrical energy for more than 200,000 households. Our primary mission is sustainable production of electrical energy, which means it is reliable, environmentally-friendly, and economically competitive.

number of large hydroelectric power plants

345 GWh
annual production

Power Plants on the Sava River

We shape a safe, reliable, sustainable, and competitive energy future for Slovenia.


Good energy is among us

The GEN Group is a leading Slovenian electro-energy group that combines companies for the production of electrical energy, marketing and sales as well as development. The common mission of the companies within the GEN Group is to provide reliable, safe, and competitive supply of electrical energy to various user groups.

Who are the GEN Group?

Get in
touch with us

If you are interested in learning more about our power plants and our services or if you wish to visit us, we invite you to get in touch with us. Fill out the contact form and let us know what interests you. We will be happy to answer all your questions and help you find the best solution for your needs.


