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The company’s vision is focused on increasing the utilization of the available hydroenergy potential of Slovenian rivers, especially in the Sava river basin, and remote control and management of a chain of hydroelectric power plants on the Sava and its tributaries. At the same time, the vision is to elevate the importance of hydroenergy as support for other renewable energy sources, especially solar and wind energy.

We see opportunities for further development in harnessing the energy potential of other renewable sources, taking into account economic viability and appropriate return on investment. With the increasing number of intermittent renewable sources, especially solar power plants, we also see an opportunity in providing adequate flexibility resources that will support the integration of carbon-neutral production capacities into the power system.

We are aware that the set vision can only be realized with competent, motivated, and innovative employees, so we will pay special attention to them.

The vision of SEL is part of the common vision of the GEN Group, within which we strive to become one of the leading initiators of the green transition by achieving synergies between companies.